Animal Families looks at cousins in the creature world. Discover families ties that stretch across the world with 21 fascinating animal families. From various species of fox, bears, owls, dolphins and cobras, some animals are part of the same family, but live continents apart. Can you spot the difference between:
- A laughing kookaburra and a bright river kingfisher?
- An elephant hawkmoth and a hummingbird hawkmoth?
- A South American coati and a North American raccoon
Matt Sewell is a talented watercolour artist and ornithologist who writes some of England’s best-selling books about birds and other creatures. His designs are even on postage stamps on the Isle of Man.
Creatures (Surprisingly) Related to Each Other
- Woodlice are the land cousins of prawns and shrimp.
- Elephants and manatees (‘sea cows’ that also have trunks!)
- Chickens descend from dinosaurs!
- Whales and cows are apparently distant cousins!