i am nut ok vegan cheese

I Am Nut OK is a gourmet brand founded by an American/Italian couple. As well as a wonderful non-dairy cheddar alternative, it also offers a Parmesan  alternative, log pepper cheeses, and a vegan feta block. Or find a more affordable ‘wonky wedge’ to combat food waste!

Avoid unpasteurised miso and cultures for blue cheese during pregnancy/nursing and for weak immune systems  (including children). Keep nuts (macadamia, cashews, almonds) away from children and pets. Read more on food safety for people and pets

Most cheeses have a fridge shelf life of around 10 weeks, but eat within a few days, once open. You can freeze block cheeses on day of delivery for up to 6 months (thaw overnight in fridge).

Recycling packing at supermarket bag bins, if councils do not reycle. Keep dry ice away from children and pets.

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