fresh mint tea

Minimalist Baker

Warm or hot water is often taken by many cultures, for good skin, better digestion and to heal aching joints. The Indian medicine of Ayurveda in particular recommends that drinking at least lukewarm water is better for our bodies, than drinking ice-cold beverages.

If your system is sluggish or your skin congested, try drinking warm water for a few weeks. Imagine a sink full of dirty pots and pans, with ‘yukky stuff’ glued to them. You would not remove these with cold water, you’d need warm or hot water to loosen the gunk to wash it away.

That’s the idea behind drinking warm water too, gently loosening packed toxins in your gut, so they leave your body. Hence better digestion and clearer skin. Warm water also breaks food down easier.

ginger lemon water

Try this ginger lemon water (Minimalist Baker). Avoid too much ginger if pregnant, it can contract the uterus and cause early labour.

Beauty Benefits of Drinking Hot Water

reasons to drink hot water

The Japanese creator of Face Yoga Method (who invented exercises to resculpt her face after a car accident) drinks hot water most of the time, and says there are many benefits:

  • It wakes you up.
  • It speed up metabolism to lose weight
  • It clears out your system
  • It clears stuffed sinuses
  • It can sometimes reduce pain
  • It helps cure dry skin
  • It curbs food cravings
  • It’s free!

How Much Water Should We Drink?

We need water to keep cool, remove waste, and help our joints, brains and eyes (fresh water is also found in raw product like watermelons and bananas). The average person needs around 1.2 litres of water a day (more for athletes, hot weather, some medical conditions and after vomiting/diarrhoea).

So how much is 1.2 litres? Around 6 x 200ml glasses. So drink 2 glasses when you wake up, another 2 before lunch and dinner, and in a couple of weeks you’ll be hydrated.

The caveat is that your body loses water with tea, coffee, cola and alcohol. So add an extra glass, for each one of those you drink. It’s easier to reduce caffeine and alcohol, so you are not guzzling water all day to compensate.

What Kind of Water Should Pets Drink?

Spring and filtered (room temperature) water are fine, you may find health and fur improves. But vets say that (unless medically given) to avoid distilled water (removes minerals and electrolytes). Never give fizzy water to pets, as it could cause bloat.

Don’t let pets drink from puddles. It may taste nice to them, but could contain remnants of bacteria, oil or antifreeze. 

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