Habits are the invisible framework of our days. They guide us, shape our behaviours, and ultimately chart the course of our lives. From the mundane to the significant, habits influence how we think, act, and feel.
When we adopt positive habits, we sow the seeds for a future that aligns with our aspirations and goals. But how do habits form, and why do they hold such power over our daily lives?
Habits for Healing is a box of tools for a fresh start, whether you have suffered trauma or not. You have the boundaries and self-care knowledge to transform your life, with tips from a former counsellor and social worker who has helped thousands of people change their habits.
There is a lot of rubbish in the media about ‘manifesting’ or ‘the law of attraction’. Like anything, it’s based on truth, but then gets hijacked by get-rich-quick schemes promising unlimited happiness, if you pay lots of money for a course.
Or on the other side, religious zealots threaten if you try to ‘manifest anything’ without adhering to their way of thinking, you’ll burn in Hell! The best way to get around the latter is simply not to watch YouTube videos from fearmongering converts, but thankfully we don’t tend to do this in England (more an American thing).
Replace bad habits with good ones. If your life’s a car crash, it’s likely due to making a few bad decisions (you can get back on track by making a few good ones instead). You can’t change your soul’s journey (or manifest dreams if bombs are raising down on you in Ukraine).
But if you spend your life complaining about how the world has it in for you (victim mentality), you’ll find things won’t go well.
If you get out of bed the wrong side and everything goes wrong for the rest of the day, doing this daily will kind of create a life in the same vain. At some point you have to accept responsibility for your own actions (and past mistakes) and get on with life.
If someone has caused your life to dip, up to a point yes you may blame them. But after a while, you have to realise that whatever happened to you in the past, you have to take the actions to get yourself of old negative mindsets and ruts – because in this ruthless world, no-one else is going to do it for you.
And the secret to any change is not ‘one big bang’ moment. It’s habits!
Leo Babauta is one of the world’s most successful bloggers (he writes about simple living). Not so long ago, he was living in his native Guam with his wife and six children. He was overweight, a smoker, had no energy, didn’t like his job and was unmotivated and depressed.
So he simply started replacing bad habits with good ones. He and his family now live in San Francisco. He earns passive income, he gave up smoking, went vegan, took up running and is now healthy, happy and successful.
LSW Mind Cards for Good Habits
LSW Mind Cards were developed by a therapist to help people live with intention, and create new habits for good mental health. Also find short self-hypnosis downloadable tracks. LSW Habit Notes is a 12-week undated tracking journal, to choose habits that can create goals, authentic to your new life.