post box Cambridge Purple

Cambridge Purple

Cambridgeshire is one of the eastern counties, that is not just about the city of Cambridge (apparently the most cloned town in England – Whitstable in Kent is the least), but also known for the medieval Ely Cathedral (large for the size of the small city).

The Second Oldest University in the World

trinity college Cambridge Purple

Cambridge Purple

Cambridge University is the second oldest in the world, founded by students fleeing from Oxford University. Home to wonders like the Mathematical Bridge (that is curved yet built from straight planks of wood) and the Bridge of Sighs (often punters kiss for eternal love as they go under it), this is also one of the world’s most prestigious universities.

Yet women were not accepted as a rule until the late 1940s. One famed student who attended in the 1950s was the American poet Sylvia Plath, who later married former poet Laureate Ted Hughes, before sadly committing suicide at age just 30.

Cambridge University is home to 31 colleges. Each one has its own quirks. King’s College has an outdoor swimming pool, Girton College was the first residential college for women (with its own female fire brigade), Jesus College has 33 acres of land with wildlife including endangered water voles, sparrowhawks and muntjac deer. And Trinity College (above) is known for its amazing views.

The university has many famous alumni including some you may not have thought went to Cambridge, unlike some stuck-up MPs! Pembroke College produced many comedians including Peter Cook and two Goodies (Bill Oddie and Tim Brooke-Taylor).

Other Cambridge University graduates include Sir David Attenborough (who grew up on the Leicester University campus) and Alan Turing (the Enigma codebreaker who received a government pardon after his appalling treatment – being forced to take castration medicine for being gay, when he likely saved millions of lives by shortening the Second World War). And A A Milne (the writer of the fabulous Winnie-the-Pooh books – the ‘bear of little brain’).

Home to Most of Our Organic Food

The Fens is a rich boggy land stretching out to Cambridgeshire, that’s home to some of our most fertile land (producing nearly all fresh produce sold in organic box schemes). The county is home to the medieval Ely Cathedral (large for the size of the small city).

Cycling Capital of England 

Cambridge city

Along with the city of Norwich, Cambridge is the cycling capital of England. Around 55% of residents take a journey by bicycle, at least once a week. Not just students with capes!

Birthplace of ‘the beautiful game’

Football (aka the beautiful game) was apparently born here in the city of Cambridge. The story goes that a group of students established some proper rules, which they carved into granite (in various languages, as the university of full of clever multi-linguistic boffins).

Home to World’s Longest-Running Folk Festival

Cambridge Folk Festival is known the world over, and takes place each year in Cherry Hinton Hall Park. Not just famous names, but many up-and-coming acts play here to enthusiastic crowds.

Home to The World’s Most Famous Boat Race

Cambridge boathouse

Cambridge Purple

Cambridge and Oxford universities participate each year in the well-known boat race, which has been held yearly since 1856 (bar the two World Wars). The rowing competition covers a 4.2 mile section on the River Thames (in 1912, both boats sank as they filled with water during poor weather). One former rower was Hugh Laurie, in the race when his team (Cambridge) lost, after clashing oars!

A Guide to the City of Cambridge, Naturally

punting bridge of sighs Cambridge Purple

Cambridge Purple

Nestled on the River Cam, Cambridge is a charming city steeped in history, with cobblestone streets and university students. The colleges are not just for education, but now historic architecture. Peterhouse is the oldest college (1209) while King’s College boats a Gothic chapel. St John’s College is known for its enchanting Bridge of Sighs.

mathematical bridge Cambridge Purple

Cambridge Purple

Cambridge University is the second oldest in the world, founded by students fleeing from Oxford University. Home to wonders like the Mathematical Bridge (that is curved yet built from straight planks of wood) and the Bridge of Sighs (often punters kiss for eternal love as they go under it).

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