coconut collab

The Coconut Collab is a fabulous company that makes amazing artisan foodie products, which you can find in most grocery stores, all in easy-to-recycle packaging. With concerns over factory farming, you can now replace cows with coconuts for all your dairy treats.

The pouches are not yet easy-to-recycle if you want to avoid these. If you do use them, they have age recommendations, due to baby pouch products being very regulated due to vitamin D and coconut being too rich to digest.

Made with Monkey-Friendly Coconuts!

Some coconut milk brands have been found to use ‘slave monkeys’ who are tethered and sent up trees, to harvest the coconuts. Cocos Organic uses human fairly-treated workers to source coconuts from Sri Lanka, the Philippines and Indonesia (rather than Thailand, which is where the monkey issue usually occurs). No palm is used.

coconut collab

Choose from natural or fruity yoghurts (raspberry, vanilla, mango). This company also offers a high-protein yoghurt and one for gut health.

Double Cre&m

coconut collab

We think this company’s stand-out product is its double cre&m. It doesn’t taste at all of coconut, and is just like plonking rich dairy cream on your desserts and cakes. Note due to some dairy companies and government being pedantic, it’s not allowed to list as double ‘cream’.

coconut collab double cream

You can even use to make up simple recipes on their site including Eton Mess and vegan scones (keep fresh dough away from children and pets).

It even whips up well for a vegan trifle.


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