curled up fox wildlife aid t-shirt

Wildlife Aid Foundation

Although fur is not very fashionable to wear in England anymore, many people still have old fur coats in wardrobes or stashed away in the attics, often from dead relatives. Although still legal to sell, fur is so cruel that it’s illegal to produce in England (thanks to campaigns by Compassion in World Farming).

One great idea if you have old fur coats is to donate them to local wildlife shelters (volunteers then cut them into large squares, for orphaned babies to snuggle up to as ‘surrogate mums’. Inspired by an idea in the US.

Although some people say to donate fur coats to homeless people, this could even cause them problems on the street. Most charities saying lugging heavy coats (and blankets) around is not practical, and it’s better instead to buy someone a Sleep Pod or Sheltersuit (both are weatherproof yet easy to carry).

say no to fur Chantal Kaufmann

Chantal Kaufmann

Fur farms have few welfare laws, so animals can be clubbed, electrocuted or skinned alive (leghold traps can also harm native wildlife and pets). Fur is not ‘natural’ as it’s treated with chemicals to produce, and DNA tests on ‘fake fur trim’ (often used for furry ornaments in gift stores) have sometimes found it’s real fur.

Sign the petition to ban UK fur sales. Small shops can sign up to Fur Free Retailer, and you’ll receive a fox logo to display in your window, guaranteeing everything you sell is fur-free.

The World’s First Sustainable Vegan Fur

Bio-fluff winter coat

Faux fur tends to be made from synthetic materials. Good brands do have good R-value to trap heat to keep you warm, but you’ll likely have to use an eco-dry cleaner (uses steam) or a microplastic catcher for washing machines.

Bio-fluff is the world’s first plant-based sustainable fur. Based in Paris and New York, the company has secured over 2 million Euros in funding to offer a better alternative to polyester or nylon. This material is kind and sustainable and uses Savian (fibres made from natural plants that use modern technology to recreate the look, feel and warmth of real fur).

Luxury brands are already interested in this biodegradable alternative. The company was founded by a biochemist, a textile expert and a computer scientist.

If it takes off, this product could replace the 100 million animals killed each year for the future industry, and also generate up to 90% less carbon emissions, compared to synthetic furs. One fan is vegan fashion designer Stella McCartney. Another biodegradable faux fur is Gacha, made from a biodegradable polyester that composts in 180 days.

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