Massage is known to do all kinds of wonderful things. It can relieve aching joints and get blood circulation flowing again. But truth be told, most people can’t afford to visit a qualified massage therapist on a regular basis, and it’s not usually offered on the NHS (thought physiotherapy is). And some people don’t have the benefit of having someone to give them a massage. So the answer is to give yourself a therapeutic massage instead!
Ask your GP before massage (it can have contraindications for medical conditions). Avoid essential oils for pregnancy/nursing or affected medical conditions, and keep aromatherapy away from children and pets. Don’t pour neat essential oils down toilets or drowns (bin securely, as undiluted they can still harm aquatic life).
Press Here! Massage for Beginners is a beautifully illustrated guide, and the book includes tips for self-massage. All written by a licensed massage therapist, the book uses fun and modern illustrations to help you relieve pain, alleviate tension and recover from sport.
The book includes massage techniques for the shoulders, back, neck, arms, hands, legs, feet, head, scalp and face (plus massage for relaxation). There are also treatment plans to help:
- Headaches
- Sinus congestion
- Constipation
- Menstrual cramps
- Pain relief
- Insomnia
- Inflammation
- Arthritis
Why Isn’t Massage Available On the NHS?
Massage is only available as osteopathy for certain conditions. One massage therapist has put up a petition at 38 Degrees, asking for massage by qualified therapists to be free on the NHS.
Massage can help with many medical conditions and disabilities, and could not only benefit patients, but save the NHS a fortune on preventive medicine, so less drugs were needed. Qualified lymphatic drainage masseurs have absolutely amazing results.
NHS England spends up to £10 billion a year treating musco-skeletal conditions (with 7.5 million days lost due to ill-health and up to 60% of patients on long-term incapacity benefits, 10% of which suffer depression).
30% of GP appointments are related to such conditions, and yet these are the kinds of conditions that massage therapists can treat (yet most patients can’t afford the £50 or so treatment cost). Having them available would also free up time for doctors and nurses to treat patients with other conditions.