Reflections is a book on what wildlife needs, and how to provide it. Marc Avery reflects on our relationship with wildlife and conservation, from cats that pass through his garden to decline of farmland wildlife and pasqueflowers he visits each spring. Everything is connected and considered. It’s time to role out conservation on a bigger scale. Also read how to help your local wildlife rescue.
A timely brutally honest yet inspiring account on what has gone wrong with wildlife conservation, and how we can put it right. Stephen Moss
If I were ‘king for a day’, Avery would be instantly installed as the benign dictator of conservation. If you love wildlife – read this, think about this, and act upon this. Chris Packham
About the Author
Mark Avery is a scientist and naturalist who was the conservation director for RSPB for almost 13 years. He is now a trustee of the World Land Trust and lives in rural Northamptonshire.