deer man

Read Deer Man, the story of a Frenchman who does what perhaps many of us would dream of doing. He lives alone in the forest – for seven whole years. But more than that, he makes friends with a herd of deer who over time, come to trust him. They even bring him into their clan, play ‘tag’ with him and tell him where the best food is! Learn more on how to help majestic deer.

This is a lovely book by a gifted writer, who really gets to the essence of life in the forest. He talks of mischievous squirrels, who think nothing of ‘throwing pine cones at him’ if he is sleeping under a tree, blocking their way to food!

The author eventually left, to speak the truth to a human world that desperately needs to hear that we should not take our natural world for granted, and work to protect it.

Roe deer rest day and night for one or two hour cycles. I realise that sleeping at night isn’t compulsory, as long as you rest from time to time. To do that, I crouch down, with my right hand on my left knee and my left hand on my right knee and my head between my arms.

I decide to base the rhythm of my life on his; except that, since my stomach has just the one chamber, when he chews the cud, I meditate instead.

About the Author

Geoffroy Delorme is a naturalist and photographer. Deer Man, a bestseller in France, has been translated into eleven languages. He lives in Normandy.

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