The Repair Revolution is an inspiring read by a woman who set up a New York repair cafe that fixes lamps to cleaners, clocks to chairs, clothing to dolls and even sharpens tools. Their website says ‘Most items get fixed – but even when they don’t, we have a good time trying!’
Keep all glue (even natural versions) away from children and pets (MDI-based and Gorilla glues can be fatal if ingested). One dog almost died after chewing a ‘glossy leaflet’ (made with glue), so use a letterbox guard to help prevent accidents.
Although you should throw out dodgy Christmas lights etc, repair cafes are great to mend mst items. Some staff are paid (a good honest way to make a living) and others are run by volunteers.
You can set one up with the low-cost starter kit at Repair Cafe International. Use the unique code to order a Repair Café toolkit and find tips to repair clocks to furniture.
In London, The Restart Project runs ‘repair parties’ (fixes tablets to toasters and iPhones to headphones). Lewes Repair Cafe has volunteers who can mend zips to bicycles, china to garden tools. You even get tea and cake!