Madagascar (the fourth largest island on earth) is one of the most fascinating places in the world for nature and wildlife and birds. And if you want to know of an island that looks after its wildlife, this is the one to be inspired by. 90% of all its creatures are found nowhere else on earth, and it features a diverse habitats from oceans to deserts to coral reefs and mangrove forests.
Home to most of the world’s lemurs and chameleons, ecotourism is big business here, you won’t find Americans going trophy hunting, to pay thousands of dollars to ‘canned animals’ as in parts of Africa.
In England, Boris Johnson’s government tore down England’s second-largest pear tree (in Worcestershire) to make way for the disastrous HS2 high-speed rail project. But here the legendary baobab tree is celebrated, and can live up to 1000 years. The thick trunks collect rainwater and it offers water, shelter and medicine to humans and animals. A few mysterious explode and combust, giving the tree even more mysterious legendary tales.
This island takes a ‘siesta’ every day. The weather here in the Indian Ocean is hot. So every local (like Spaniards) takes a long siesta each day. Nothing is open, so you’ll just have to pull up your chair or hammock and sleep alongside them, on afternoons. Although we don’t siesta-friendly weather, we could learn a lot from countries like Italy, which tend to open earlier for shops, have a long siesta for a proper lunch (not grabbing a supermarket sandwich) then stay open a little later in the evenings).
Madagascans use real vanilla beans. Vanilla is the world’s favourite flavour and often used in cooking, and of course for ice-cream. But ‘fake vanilla’ (which often comes from beavers) is often sold in supermarkets. Go for the real deal. It’s more expensive, but you only need a little, and the taste difference is worth it. Choose Fair Trade brands, to help local farmers.
what not to learn from Madagascar
Although there are oodles of fresh fruits and vegetables at markets, most people in England would likely be horrified to see meat is freshly slaughtered, often with the blood and gut on display. This is usually due to lack of refrigeration, a good reason to just live on plants, if any.