a field guide to church of the wild

It makes sense that considering most towns and villages still have a church, these are ideal places to create and foster sustainable communities. God created the planet, so it’s a wonder why so many ‘Christians’ do so little to protect it (and the creatures that we share the earth with).

Ideas to Make Your Church More Sustainable

  • Many churches are ancient buildings. So read up on how to help protect resident bats and owls, which often roost or nest in church buildings.
  • Earn a certificate at Eco Churches by growing local food and installing solar panels. This will also save you a fortune on bills.
  • The site has free books on green energy, wildlife-friendly lighting, boilers, secondary-glazing, heating, recycling and managing closed churchyards.

Inspirational Ideas from Green Churches

Switch Church Money to Greener Causes 

JustMoney Movement has a free guide for churches to switch to greener banks and campaigns for a Wealth Tax of 1% to 2% on those with assets over £10 million (which could raise £50 billion).

An annual wealth tax of up to 5% on the world’s billionaires and multi-millionaires could raise enough money to lift 2 billion people out of poverty. Also download an ethical buying guide for churches.

Use church funds to invest in houses for local homeless people:

Grow Free Food (community gardens)

Local churches often have a fair bit of land. If it’s going unused, get people involved to start community gardens, to grow free food for local people. Volunteers can learn new skills, make new friends and help to solve England’s food desert crisis.

Use no-dig gardening and fruit protection bags (over netting, which can trap birds and wildlife). Learn how to create gardens safe for pets (use humane slug/snail deterrents). Avoid facing indoor foliage to outdoor gardens, to help stop birds flying into windows.

Books to Learn About Nature & Churches

church of the wild

Making Your Church Sustainable looks at how to develop a plan to suit your church in a world of pressure on budgets and soaring energy costs. Learn how to improve church maintenance practices, find alternative ways to heat your church, and know where to find professional help.

Church of the Wild is a book to uncover the ‘wild roots’ of faith, and help deepen our commitment to a suffering earth. After 20 years as a pastor of indoor churches, the author launched the first Church of the Wild in Ojai (California), then co-founded the Wild Church Network.

Field Guide to Church of the Wild is the book companion, to people of faith who wish to help the earth. These pages lead us towards prayer and mountain, forests and wrens. Learn from the women who is helping hundreds of wild churches, to bloom throughout the world.

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