This vegan vanilla ice cream (Jessica in the Kitchen) only has 5 ingredients. It’s also easy to make, just remember to soak the cashews first, to mix with coconut milk, salt and a little sugar. It’s really important to use real vanilla extract.
Choose real vanilla (some fake vanilla contains beaver extract, just like some perfumes). Keep this recipe away from pets, due to unsafe ingredients like salt. Read more on keeping people & pets safe in the kitchen.
If you find you like making ice-cream, it’s worth investing in a little ice-cream maker. This is a gadget to be used. You just pour ingredients into a chilled bowl, turn it on and in 20 minutes, you have ice-cream. Fresh ice-cream doesn’t last as long, but it tastes nicer.
Also read the books Incredible Vegan Ice Cream and Vegan Ice Cream Bible for lots more recipes. Or look in shops for Cornwall’s Cecily’s Ice Cream (this is certified organic and vegan, in cardboard tubs).