haunted house Horner Art


Do you believe in spooks? If you do, there are plenty of places in England that claim to be haunted. These include:

  • The ruins of Whitby Abbey in Yorkshire (remember, this is the town with links to Count Dracula).
  • Chillingham Castle (Northumberland) apparently has a ‘spooky lady’ who lives in the pantry.
  • A YHA hostel in a Gloucestershire castle (prisoners used to live here, and there is still grafitti on the walls).

There are many pubs where you can have a ‘paranormal pint’ including:

  • The Pilchard Inn (Burgh Island, Devon). A smuggler was apparently hanged on this little tidal island, often used in Agatha Christie TV dramas.
  • Some people in Hastings recall seeing a murdered sea captain (this town was renowned for smugglers, back in the day).
  • There’s a pub in Norwich, where apparently the murder victim, likes to run his fingers through your hair!

The Most Haunted Island on Earth?

Isle of Wight residents claim to live alongside around 160,000 ghosts of various sorts (some friendly, others not). So much that tourists can (enjoy?) regular ‘ghost walking tours’. One site said to be haunted is the gardens on the site of the old Royal National Hospital, which treated patients with TB. Although demolished in 1969, many people still claim to see long-dead patients and ‘phantom nurses’ in old-fashioned uniforms.

Some believe it could be to do with the strong ley lines that run under the island. Everything is energy, so it could be possible that there’s a strong vibration of earth magnetics here, more so than in other places.

Are These Hauntings Real (or made up?)

Energy is everywhere, and no doubt sometimes there is truth in it. But we must always remember that England (a nation of storytellers) has more haunted places than anywhere, a coincidence or not?

And there’s a lot of business to be had for ‘walking tours’ for tourists who like this sort of thing.

What is certain is that it’s best not to play around with these kinds of things. TV programs like ‘Most Haunted’ just make it like it’s all a bit of fun, which of course it isn’t. Experts say that ‘ghosts’ are usually souls that have not moved on, often due to being killed quickly (hence why so many are murder or hanging victims).

Perhaps ask your local priest to perform a service, to send their souls to happier places!

What’s the Science on Haunted Houses?

Scientists say nearly always, it’s simply someone’s wish often to see a dead relative, or hallucinations. There have been investigations, and often people are in sleep paralysis, which is when their brains prevent their bodies from moving.

One civil engineer has found a strong link between mould and houses that are ‘haunted’. This has given rise to why some children act strange in mouldy houses. It could cause shortness of breath and inflammation of the optic nerve, which can then cause things to ‘float’ in front of people’s eyes.

One vicar who does go out to weird events, says it’s rare to be possessed by something demonic. He says he deals with around four cases a year, and spends the rest of the time talking about them.

But he does say that (whatever your religion), it’s best to avoid dodgy practices. Yoga classes and meditation/mindfulness or prayer of most religions are fine. But he warns against ‘psychic evenings’ and dabbling with ouija boards and seances. Unfortunately there are ‘bad spirits’ in the world. But he says you can only really ‘catch them’, if you invite them in.

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