crow Betsy Siber

Betsy Siber

The mysterious colour black is everywhere. While many people marvel at bright colours, consider how beautiful black creatures are like bears! Or the black darkness of a night sky or the morning song of a blackbird.

Black plants are very rare. There are black tulips (like all bulbs, toxic to pets). And black bat flowers look they are from some fantasy tale. You’ll also find black minerals like obsidian (volcanic glass) and jet).

Nature rarely produces ‘true black’. Mostly creatures we call black, are just a mix of deep shades of brown. A few creatures like black panthers are swans) are black, but most aren’t.

Of course, all protected crows (most are black apart from jays) are black. Their feathers help them blend into the shadows, to offer protection. Just like some fish, who stay hidden in ocean depths, if they are black.

toucan Betsy Siber

Betsy Siber

Often black offers camoflage for creatures. Consider penguins hiding from polar bears, or puffins hiding from black-backed gulls.

puffin Betsy Siber

Betsy Siber

Emperor penguin Betsy Siber

Betsy Siber

The Role of Black Pigments in Ecosystems

autumn blackbird Julia Crossland

Julia Crossland

Black stands as testament to nature’s inventive spirit. As stewards of this planet, understanding and appreciating natural pigments can deepen our connection to the web of life.

Let us cherish the black hues that dance through nature, reminding us of the beauty and balance, that black brings to our world.

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