Blueland oxygen bleach

Blueland Oxygen Bleach

Oxygen bleach is made from sodium percarbonate and hydrogen peroxide. It needs warm water to activate, then lasts around 40 minutes to remove stains, by binding to molecules. Leftover oxygen bleach solution can be safely poured down sinks and drains, to remove smells, and then breaks down naturally into carbon and water (unlike chlorine bleach which harms marine creatures and the planet).

How to Use Oxygen Bleach

Always test on a hidden area, and wear rubber glovesKeep oxygen bleach away from children and pets, as it still could harm (and can also bleach fur).

Use oxygen bleach in a ventilated area, and never mix with other ingredients (could cause harmful fumes). If it gets in your eyes, rinse with lots of water and seek medical attention.

General Cleaning

Mix 1 part oxygen bleach with 2 parts warm water, to make a cleaning solution for most surfaces (leave to sit for 10 to 15 minutes, rinse and leave to dry). You can also use this solution to remove tea/coffee stains from mugs.

For dirty tile grout, apply with a plastic-free sponge. Leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with clean water, to clean and sanitise most surfaces.

Remove Clothing Stains

Soak clothes in a mix of 2 tablespoons to 5 litres of warm water. Leave for several hours, before laundering as normal. Unlike chlorine bleach, oxygen bleach is safe for coloured fabrics.

You can also use this mix to soak reusable nappies, sanitary pads, period pads and incontinence pads. Due to synthetic materials, launder in a microplastic catcher.

As a Laundry Brightener

Add one tablespoon with laundry powder to your washing machine (not for wool, silk or leather). Or add 2 tablespoons to every 5 litres of hot water, for hand-washing.

To Remove Jar Labels

Mix a scoop of oxygen bleach in a sink of hot water, then soak jars for an hour.

To Clean Drains

Pour a few tablespoons down the sink. Add boiling water, wait a few minutes, then rinse.

Where to Buy Oxygen Bleach

Allavare oxygen bleach

Allavare Oxygen Bleach (use code ENGLAND99465 for 10% discount) is made locally, sold in a brown paper bag, with discount subscriptions online (it also makes laundry powder and stain removal bars, if you want to bundle up, to save postage). It works wonders to remove everything from mustard to wine stains on clothing.

oxygen bleach

Two other good brands are EcoLiving Oxygen Bleach (in a brown compostable bag) and Bio-D Laundry Bleach (in a cardboard box).

Blueland Oxygen Bleach

Blueland Oxygen Bleach is sold alongside the company’s plastic-free laundry detergent, both are sold in metal tins, with refills. Just add one scoop to your normal load.

Blueland oxy booster

Oxy-Gen Eco Bleach is the alternative to blue bleach bottles, for toilets and drains. After use, leave 5 minutes, then rinse with a cup of water to keep pipes clean. Safe for septic tanks, this kills 99.99% of household germs.

For worktops, floors and waste bins, dilute 400mm in 2 litres of warm water, apply and wipe off, then leave to dry. You can also use this to remove mould and musty smells, whiten grout (or apply neat on taps, to remove limescale).

How to Recycle Chlorine Bleach

If your bottles are empty, you can just put them in the recycling bin (don’t rinse them, as this will just leach chlorine down drains, and into the sea).

If you still have product in bleach or other bottles, you’ll have to take them to the local council tip, to dispose of as toxic waste.

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