Sgaia vegan bacon rashers

Sgaia Foods

Most vegans get the boring accusation of ‘why do you eat bacon?’ Well, because it tastes good, and there’s no reason to kill animals to make one of England’s popular foods. Most bacon sold in England is from factory-farmed pigs, and there is not enough land for everyone to eat free-range. Read why pig welfare matters.

Recycle packaging at supermarket bag bins, if kerbside does not collect. Do not give these brands to pets, due to salt and other unsafe ingredients (read more on food safety for people & pets).

What is Vegan Bacon?

Vegan bacon is just like meat bacon, in that the ‘taste’ comes from the smoked ingredients like maple syrup, sauce and seasonings.

Using base ingredients like tempeh and seitan, you can create an identical bacon, without harming pigs! These bacons are also free from cancer-causing ingredients, and cholesterol-free.

Sgaia Seitan Bacon

Sgaia vegan bacon sandwich

Sgaia Foods is a Scottish company founded by two Italian foodies. Made with seitan (wheat-meat) this is complicated to make yourself, but looks and tastes like the real thing.

Vegan Bacon (From France?)

vegan carbonara

La Vie Bacon is a best-selling French product, also sold in a smoked version. This is part of Burger King’s vegan whoppers (alas the fast food chain still grills it on the same ones used for meat, which rather defeats the point.

vegan bacon

The same company has recently introduced best-selling vegan ham, and is asking food brand Heinz to use its own plant-based lardons instead:

vegan Heinz

THIS Isn’t Bacon!

this isn't bacon

THIS Isn’t Bacon is widely sold in supermarkets (the founder used to sell real meat, so knows what it tastes like). Also look out for the ready-made chicken and bacon salad with sundried-tomato, spinach & vegan mayo.

How to Cook Vegan Bacon

You fry vegan bacon in a little oil, just like normal bacon. It only takes a few minutes. You can also use the air-fryer, if you prefer. Then layer up with crisp lettuce, juicy tomatoes and ketchup or vegan mayo, for a tasty BLT.

Make Your Own Vegan Bacon

vegan bacon

You could have a go at making your own vegan bacon (Broke Bank Vegan). You only need 6 ingredients. Including Tofoo, oil, smoked paprika, tamari and smoked sea salt and pepper.

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