organic sign language t-shirt

We love this organic cotton (or regenerated cotton) sign language t-shirt. Not using new pesticide-laden cotton is a great way to generate a better world (a quarter of all the world’s pesticides are used to grow cotton, which also is not good for farmers. Not only is it a health risk, but it means they have to wear protective clothing in hot climates.

For many deaf people, sign language is the first language they use, over lip-reading. It’s quite difficult to learn, taking an instructor around 7 years to qualify. It’s only been a recognised language since 2003.

The language is very different, with many visual signs too. And the language. If you want to ask ‘What’s your name?’, you sign ‘Your name what’, without a question mark. Instead you raise your eyebrows to show it’s a question (or tilt your head, like a questioning dog!)

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