bring back your people

Bring Back Your People is an extremely important book, as we have quite scary politics these days, not just in England but also in continental Europe and the USA especially. Many so-called ‘Christians’ have hijacked everything that is good about our country (like compassionate compatriotism) and used it to scare people into voting for far-right politicians that whip up nasty politics that scare not just immigrants, but also people who have grown up here. With no mention of the really serious issues like climate change and pollution.

This book is by an American author, who likely is seeing this issue even more than us, with the nasty Trumpian politics and gaslighting. Many white people are alarmed by the modern politics of hate, and this ‘mouthy’ practical guide looks at not just how to deal with likely nice people who are being drawn in to vote for not-very-nice MPs, but also how to create change at a national level.

The rise of White Christian nationalism seems impossible to stop. We need a road map to countering recruitment. And we needed it yesterday.

This book by a second-generation preacher and leader of the Poor People’s Campaign in the US, has even watched some loved ones get sucked into the new kind of politics, and says the price of gas is not the reason to spew politics of hate.

In the US recently, one bereaved father called out Trump and Vance for mentioning (without his permission) the name of his son, who was accidentally killed by a Haiti immigrant. He asked them to stop using a genuine accident which involved the tragic death of his son, for political gain.

I wish that my son was killed by a 60-year old white man. I bet you never thought anyone would say anything so blunt. But if that guy killed my 11-year old son, the incessant group of hate-spewing people would leave us alone. Nathan Clark (father of Aiden Clark speaking alongside his wife Danielle, father to an 11-year old boy accidentally killed by a Haitian bus driver in Ohio).

In this book, the author answers questions like:

  • Who are White Christian Nationalists targeting? (most white folks and beyond)
  • How do I talk to my hairdresser about it? (carefully)
  • Why is it gaining steam so fast? (it’s not, you’re just catching up)

He also offers a counter-history of white people who organised for social justice. If you’re frightened by what’s happening, read this book, grab a lifeline and hang on tight.

An important book for anyone interested in addressing the surge in White nationalism among poor white communities. Cedar Monroe

An exceptionally entertaining book about a deadly serious topic. Stosh Cotler (Jewish organiser)

about the author

Aaron Scott is a church worker and organiser, a Christian (and Trans father) who grew up in poverty. He received his MA in Biblical Studies and lives in Washington. He is also co-founder of Chaplains on the Harbour, a street outreach organisation. One recipient of help who is now a volunteer writes he thought the woman passing out sandwiches under the bridge was a ‘crazy priest lady’ trying to convert him. Later he found she was simply a great person who cares a lot.

I grew up attending a rural poor church in the foothills of the Adirondack Mountains in Upstate NY. My mom left home at 16, and my grandma was a factory floor organiser. My grandpa was a veteran and my dad was a pastor. The church I grew up in was all poor people, who kept each other alive and fed and warm through winter.

People’s theology was hyper-focused on things like conservative teachings on human sexuality. From a young age I was like ‘You all don’t have heat in the winter! Is sex really your problem?’

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