A Bear Belongs is an illustrated children’s version of the true story of the heroic rescue of three sun bear cubs from captivity. This uplifting story introduces youngsters to three bear cubs:
- Tan-Tan (the tiny one)
- Kitud (the quiet one)
- Boboi (the big brother)
As babies, they were stolen from their natural habitat. But thanks to the wonderful Dr Wong, they were eventually released back into the Bornean rainforest, where they belong.
This book tells their story, along with fact pages about the amazing fauna and flora of the rainforest, and its importance to the ecosystem, as well as inspiring information on how to save sun and moon bears.
Author Catherine Barr campaigned with Greenpeace for years, and then trained as a journalist and became an editor at the Natural History Museum. She now writes books for children, on how to protect the natural world.
Why are Sun & Moon Bears Taken from the Wild?
For three reasons:
- To be used in zoos.
- To be used for bear bile (bad medicine that is very cruel, caging bears sometimes for decades, and using a painful process to extra bile).
- As exotic pets.
The best way we can help both types of bears is as follows:
- Live a simple sustainable life (avoid palm oil, destroying Borneo forests)
- Never buy dodgy ‘natural medicine’ (bear bile is illegal in the UK, but it still gets illegally imported).
- Support charities that help educate and rescue bears, like Animals Asia, which educate, rescue bears from the bile trade and take them to sanctuaries.