friends not food Chantal Kaufmann

Chantal Kaufmann

Whether you’re launching a line of tofu scramble or crafting vegan beauty brands, converting your love for animals into income is key. But how do you stand out? It’s simpler than you think. Let’s walk through some easy steps, to boost your vegan brand.

First, know who your target audience is. It won’t always be vegans. If you have cholesterol-free alternatives, people with heart issues may be interested. And most people like vegan beauty, even if they are not vegan themselves. If you have launched a vegan zero-waste mascara, beauty fans are likely to be interested!

Do You Need Social Media?

Likely not. The problem with social media is that a post ‘flutters around for a few days’, then disappears into the abyss. It’s good to get fans, but focus more on local and sustainable marketing, like building trust and gaining loyal customers. It’s likely that most of your income will come from a small percentage of your repeat customers.

So look after them with special deals, and customer loyalty points.

Building Partnerships and Collaborations

Often it works to find those who share your values. Many vegan and vegetarian societies offer discounts for members on ethical brands. Sign up and then their members will find you, and get regular orders from you, as it will cost them less.

Contact magazines in your niche (say natural beauty etc) and offer to do articles or interviews for free, in return for exposure on your brand.

Advertising is very expensive. So an interview is often a better idea. And more trusted by users, who tend to ignore most magazine ads anyway.

Certify Your Vegan Business

Certified Vegan Business is a new stringent mark that you can place on brands, but only if the entire line is vegan. This will set you apart from the others. You can then boast of your eco and vegan credentials (a company that makes non-vegan products too won’t be able to carry the market).

As an example, many people like Richmond vegan sausages. It’s good that the brand is making them – but the company still makes factory-farmed meat sausages. It would not qualify for the above mark, but if you only make vegan products, you could market your sausages under this label, and say why.

Any type of business can apply (cafes, beauty salons, businesses, influencers). And although there is a one-off cost and small retainer, you can be assured that your funds are being used to promote the cause, as the scheme is run by Vegan Business Tribe, a wonderful organisation that offers help for fledgling and transitioning vegan businesses, including a business membership club and marketing book. There are no annual renewal fees.

This is our activism. 200 million land animals are killed every day, needlessly. When you have a vegan business, lives are literally at stake. Vegan Business Tribe

Branding Bundles for Vegan Businesses

LanaElanor vegan branding bundle

Lana Elanor offers nice hand-painted illustrations for vegan businesses and charities. You can mix and match this one-purchase of images (animals, food, recipes, logos, icons and even a vegan alphabet) to make menus, invites, logos or web/social media content.

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