the ultimate vegan toasted sandwich

This vegan toasted sandwich (Waitrose) is just the ticket, for when you want a tasty snack. If you know you should be eating more veggies, this is the sarnie to do it for you!

While you roast sliced sweet potato and onions in the oven, fry some tomatoes and greens in a pan. Spread your sandwich bread with vegan mayo or vegan butter (Flora has no palm oil). Then layer up your veggies, add vegan grated cheese. Then (like a double Big Mac), do the same again to make a ‘double sandwich’.

Then just ‘toast’ the sandwiches in the pan with a plate on top for around 5 minutes each side. Slice your ultimate vegan sandwiches and munch away!

Rather than buy ready-made sandwiches, make your own with good bread, palm-oil-free vegan butter and favourite fillings. Read how to wrap sandwiches, without clingfilm.

Before making, read up on keeping people & pets safe in the kitchen. Don’t feed leftover sandwiches to garden birds or wildfowl due to stale/crusty/mouldy bread, salt and fat (which smears on feathers, affecting waterproofing and insulation).

Homemade Vegan Tuna Mayo Sandwiches

vegan tuna mayo sandwiches

These vegan tuna mayo sandwiches (The Veg Space) are super-simple to make. Tuna fish is actually an endangered species now, and most tuna fishing ends up by-catching other creatures like dolphins, seals, sea turtles, whales and sharks.

Coronation Chickpea Sandwich Recipes 

coronation chickpea sandwich

We’ve had the Coronation now. And whatever your thoughts on the Monarchy, there’s always time for this coronation chickpea sandwich (Cupful of Kale). This is a plant-based version of the sandwich named in honour of the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II back in the 1950s. Chickpeas are super-tasty and packed with protein and calcium.

coronation chickpea sandwich

Here’s another coronation chickpea sandwich recipe (So Vegan), this time made with plant yoghurt, pickled vegetables, lettuce and tomato.

Shops: We Need More Vegan Sandwiches!

bettafish tu-nah sandwich

Bettafish sandwiches are sold in Aldi in Germany, Denmark and Switzerland. So why not here? Considering that many other sandwiches go to waste as more people eat plant-based, it’s a mystery why supermarkets especially don’t stock more vegan options for people who want them. Nearly all the major supermarkets stock one or less vegan options, and even those tend to have palm oil (which most vegans won’t eat).

You can now easily recycle plastic food packaging (bar clingfilm) at kerbside or supermarket bag bins. 

Ready-made sandwiches are not ideal. But if you’re in a fix and you’re hungry for some ‘proper food’ (over a bag of crisps) then as supermarkets have almost obliterated local delis and sandwich bars, they have responsibility to add least offer something suitable.

M & S offer a few good choices, but too expensive for most people. Their ‘no-salt beef sandwich’ (a take on the Reuben) is delicious but extremely expensive for what it is.

And although Costa has unveiled a huge range of new vegan sandwiches, it does not say if it’s removed palm oil (the older items contain it).

Sainsbury’s offers a good VLT sandwich (made with La Vie bacon) and Aldi offers a good no-prawn sandwich, but they are not sold in all branches.

vegan sandwiches

These vegan sandwiches in compostable packaging are sold in many Brighton shops.

this vegan chicken sandwich

Don’t eat chicken? Fed up with visiting the sandwich shop or supermarket for a quick bite to eat, and find that all there is a harissa wrap with hummus? Then ask them to stock THIS vegan chicken sandwiches and vegan chicken & bacon salad bowls. Supermarkets are about choice, so they should respect your choice, if you choose not to eat chicken!

this isn't chicken and stuffing sandwich

Most items in this range are made from a blend of soy (not from Brazil) and pea protein, fortified with iron and vitamin B12 and (unlike real bacon say) is free from nitrates, which has been linked to cancer.

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