Bluefin tuna is now in serious decline, to illegal and over-fishing. Plus there are the others of bycatch, when other creatures are caught in nets (sea turtles, dolphins, seals, whales and sharks). These vegan tuna mayo sandwiches (The Veg Space) are simple to make, using chickpeas and nori seaweed (for a real ‘taste of the sea).
Avoid seaweed for thyroid/iodine issues. Read up on creating a safe kitchen space for people & pets (many human foods are unsafe around animals).
Tuna is a large fish that can live over 10 years (one tagged off New England’s coast was found 14 years later, on the other side of the Atlantic).
Also try this chickpea ‘tuna sandwich (So Vegan). When you mash up tinned chickpeas with vegan mayo and some flavours (celery, capers, lemon, dill) it really does taste and have the same mouth-feel as real tuna.