Wild Light: A Printmaker’s Day & Night is a unique book of over 70 original illustrations to invite you to look at how light changes the world around us, and how that changes us in turn.
Find inspiration from how the light changes in the mornings, evenings and at midday:
The bouncing light of a cloud-filled storm sky can change a seascape through a palette of blues, greys and turquoises.
The cool summer moonlight across a back garden shed sends long shadows that change the mood of the garden.
The low light of an English February afternoon or the bright sharp mid-morning light of the Cornish seaside, can affect our moods.
About the Author/Artist
Angela Harding is a print artist, who trained in Fine Art and went onto study printmaker, and now lives in the small county of Rutland, where she works in a studio at the bottom of her garden.