Brighton and the South Downs 40 favourite walks

Brighton & The South Downs: 40 Favourite Walks (2022) is a lovely little pocket guide, with walks covering the area of the Downs around Brighton, and extending to Eastbourne in the east and Worthing and the Findon Valley in the west. And from the channel coast to the foot of the South Downs’ steep northern escarpment at the edge of the Sussex Weald. Always follow the Countryside Code, to keep dogs, barnyard friends and wildlife safe. 

Facing the sea anad backed by rolling chalk downland, Brighton is a great place to explore one of England’s most recognisable and best-loved landscapes. As well as the old chalk grasslands, the South Downs has many other habitats including deciduous, coniferous and mixed woodland, along with heathland, wetland, shingle beach and saltmarsh.

about the author

Peter Edwards is originally from the South of England and now lives in Scotland, where he lives on the Isle of Harris (known for its sandy beaches and rugged mountains), and has developed a passion for the Hebrides.

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