winter coast path Christina Carpenter

Christina Carpenter

Our website posts are nearly all (for love only). But sometimes the odd recommendation earns a little affiliate commission, via a special code (say 5% to 10% of what you spend). We only recommend items that we would recommend anyway.

So to this end, we pledge that at least 10% of any income earned from the site is given to small good causes (usually involving four paws and a tail, as that’s how we roll!) Thank you for your support!

Whatever your beliefs, it’s a given that most of us like to do something to give back, in return for what we have been given. In Biblical terms, this is often called ‘tithing’ (giving 10% of income away to your source of spiritual strength). In days gone, this would always be the church. But these days, it’s kind of where you feel the money is best spent, and to whom.

I’ve learned you shouldn’t go through life with a catcher’s mitt on both hands. You need to throw something back. Maya Angelou