parsnip curry with lentils

Creamy Parsnip Curry with Lentils (The Veg Space) combines the natural sweetness of parsnips with the protein of cheap legumes. Cooked in coconut milk, this is an affordable main meal that takes just 20 minutes. Serve with rice.

Before cooking, read up on food safety for people & pets (many human foods like onion, garlic, nutmeg/mace are unsafe around animal friends).

Parsnips (and turnips) were very popular, when people in England had very little money, and would eek out what they could from cheap ingredients. Parsnips grow easily, are naturally sweet and cost very little (they also last quite a long time like all root veggies). So they became a staple during Victorian times. Here are some simple plant-based recipe ideas, to use up leftover parsnips in your vegetable box.

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