snow ponies Caroline Smith

Caroline Smith

Inland, we have the New Forest, an ancient (thankfully no longer hunting) ground that is home to semi-feral ponies. Known for their beautiful colours (bay, chestnut, grey, black), these hardy equines graze on heathland, grassland and woodlands in all seasons, thriving with minimal human intervention.

The ponies are owned by commoners (who benefit from right to graze animals). The New Forest Verderers employ five Agisters whose oversee all grazing ponies, livestock, cattle, donkeys, pigs and sheep (but not deer or other wild animals). And ensure commoners abide byelaws.

Do not touch or feed semi-wild New Forest ponies. It taking photos, use a zoom lens (from far away, without a flash). 

If visiting the New Forest, take all litter home and don’t light fires, stoves or barbecues (wild camping is not allowed). Don’t let dogs approach or chase ponies or any other animals. Keep to main tracks, and drive carefully (obeying all signs).

Details of how to report sick or injured animals are found on the Verderers’ website. This page includes numbers to call and details of penalties, for failing to report incidents. Road Traffic Accidents involving ponies, cattle, donkeys, pigs and sheep must be immediately reported to the police on 999.

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