pigeons are beautiful Chantal Kaufmann

Chantal Kaufmann

Pigeons are not ‘rats with wings’, they simply eat food left by litterbugs, and are one of the only species that recognise their own reflections, and one pigeon even ‘went for the bullies’ of a boy he had befriended. Excellent parents, pigeons mate for life and (like pigs) are very clean creatures.

Greenwich Wildlife Network says that all creatures can carry disease (we have 18 million feral pigeons). But myths from the pest industry are not true; it asks ‘have you ever met anyone that caught a disease from a pigeon?’

In 50 years of professional work as a veterinary surgeon, I cannot recall one case of a zoonosis in a human, that was related to pigeons. David Taylor BVMS FRCVS FZS

The Intelligence of Pigeons

pigeons Chantal Kaufmann

Chantal Kaufmann

Pigeons are one of the few species that can recognise their own kind in a mirror, and have intelligence on a par with dolphins and primates.

They are social birds that communicate using coos and subtle body movements, and have a complex social structure.

Pigeons and Urban Ecosystems

pigeon Betsy Siber

Betsy Siber

Pigeons are birds that have simply learned to master eating food, from human litterbugs. They actually help to pick up food litter, and also control insect populations, reducing need for chemicals in cities. eas.

Highly-Adapted Wood Pigeons

wood pigeon Linda Hoskin

Linda Hoskin

Wood pigeons have pinkish chests, with glossy green and purple neck feathers. You normally can hear them in trees, a ‘clattering of feathers’ that easily transition from rural to city living.

They prefer to forage in peace in open fields, woodlands and hedgerows, but are highly adaptable birds. Unlike many birds, wood pigeons don’t migrate, but may fly south for milder weather in winter.

Get To Know Our Most Misunderstood Bird

a pocket guide to pigeon watching

The Pocket Guide to Pigeon-Watching is an interesting little book, to convert anyone who believes that pigeons are ‘rats with wings’. Pigeons are amazing creatures and until only recently, humans adored them. It’s mostly due to the media (and people leaving litter everywhere) that problems have ensued. In this illustrated guide, learn:

  • Why pigeons coo
  • How they flock & kiss
  • How they mate (monogamously)
  • How their raise young (on chunky pigeon milk!)
  • Anatomy and identification
  • What to do if you find a baby pigeon

This book is here to give the pigeon’s image a makeover, and help every urban dweller discover the joys of pigeon-watching.

The world’s most famous extinct bird was a flightless pigeon. Poor dodos don’t deserve their reputations as slow, stupid birds. They were agile, and their flightless wings were muscular, possibly helping them maintain balance as they ran through the forest.

The dodo’s closest living relative is the world’s most spectacular pigeon – the Nicobar. It has a long mane of rainbow plumes down its head. Wow.

A New Zealand species of pigeon likes to eat certain fruits that sometimes ferment and turn to alcohol.

It can get so intoxicated that it passes out and falls from its perch. Wildlife care centres often get inundated with inebriated birds, brought in by concerned citizens.

Rosemary Mosco is an acclaimed writer and cartoonist who lives in Massachusetts, USA.

This book will change what you think about pigeons! The eye-opening pigeon science will help you gain a whole new appreciation of these smart, savvy and adaptable birds, whose lives are so intertwined with ours. David Allen Sibley

How to Humanely Deter Pigeons

Pigeons are very adaptable at finding food, so unless there’s no natural food around, gradually reduce feeding and they’ll go elsewhere.

Don’t give stale bread/crackers or mouldy bread to garden birds or wildfowl as it can choke or harm (as can fat from sandwiches, smearing on feathers, affecting waterproof/insulation). 

For deterring pigeons roosting on buildings, PiCAS are England’s experts on humane prevention/removal of urban birds (pigeons, gulls and doves). ‘Bird spikes’ are not the only solution, there are other methods that work which are kinder and cheaper and more effective than lethal control (some children also are traumatised when hawks rip birds apart).

London Wildlife Protection has tips if you find a sick, injured or trapped pigeon. Little Green Pigeon is a sanctuary in Wales with more info.

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