vegan pancakes

These vegan pancakes (Doves Farm) are easy to make, a real classic for Shrove Tuesday served with lemon juice and sugar. Made with organic flours and plant milk, all you need is a little oil for your frying pan.

Keep fresh dough away from young children & pets (can expand in the stomach) and due to unsafe ingredients (lemons are toxic to pets). Read more on keeping people & pets safe in the kitchen.

vegan pancakes

Also try their buckwheat breakfast pancakes (serve with fruits and/or maple syrup). Or if you don’t mind waiting for the sourdough starter to activate, try sourdough white spelt pancakes (you can make the batter the night before, then cook these chunky pancakes for breakfast).

sourdough breakfast pancakes

how to make apple cinnamon pancakes

apple cinnamon pancakes

Apple cinnamon pancakes (Ela Vegan) are for those of you who prefer sweeter pancakes. Also try Michaela’s apple crepes with cinnamon (Ela Vegan) covered with caramel sauce.

apple crepes with cinnamon

where to buy good vegan pancake mixes

organic vegan pancakes

If you don’t fancy making from scratch, there are a few companies that offer good alternatives (recycle inner packaging at kerbside or supermarket bag bins).

Amisa gluten-free pancake mix is again made with rice flour and organic ingredients. Ideal for people with allergies, whizz up with mixed berries to make these pink pancakes!

Just Wholefoods organic pancake mix is made with oat and brown rice flours (packed with fibre). Just add oat milk and mix for light fluffy pancakes in minutes.  Sweetened with coconut blossom sugar.

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