junk mail art

Junk Mail Art

Ecological writer Satish Kumar once wrote that ‘unless you know Nature, you cannot love her’. Likewise, if we wish to protect England’s green and pleasant land, it’s important to get to know why. People who drop fast food litter, pollute our seas with oil and hunt our precious wildlife, obviously were never taught all about why our land is so beautiful and precious.

The Isles of Scilly look more like the Caribbean, but are home to numerous shipwrecks. Know for its painters, the waters are crystal clear and only 5 islands are home to humans, reached from the Cornish coast. Birds often stop off here for a rest, on their migration

  1. St Mary’s is the largest island, and popular with local artists
  2. Tresco is home to famous sub-tropical gardens, nothing like England!
  3. St Martin’s is for those who love paradise beaches, with miles of white sand.
  4. St Agnes is a wild little island, our most southwesterly point.
  5. Bryher has a wild side and a gentle side, an island of contrasts.

There are many other islands where there are no humans (good!) where birds and wildlife thrive (again good!) But don’t be fooled. One sailor who got stranded on an island for a few days was shocked to find dead marine wildlife, many due to oil and litter. This caused him to found Clean Ocean Sailing, a team of volunteers that remove plastic waste from the coast in all of Cornwall.

And although it looks like the Caribbean, like the Caribbean it also has freak weather. Divers will tell you that this area has more shipwrecks than anywhere. Even the local lighthouse blew off in a storm, and had to built again.

don’t order daffodils, if you live with pets

The Scilly Isles has a longer growing season due to warmer weather, so often sell daffodils (narcissus) longer than anywhere else. All for the good, but know that all bulbs (including daffodils) are not safe around animal friends. Learn how to make your garden for pets (also never face indoor foliage to gardens, to help stop birds flying into windows). 

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