It may be traditional to release fireworks on certain days of the year, but they cause immense harm to all creatures, from birds and pets to horses and livestock. 70% of the UK wants them to be banned for anything other than official events.
Blue Cross has good tips to keep all animals safe when there are fireworks. If you use them, use ‘quiet fireworks’ with not-so-loud bangs, as some pets run off, leading to communities having to find lost pets.
Also read our post on helping hedgehogs. Many hogs lay hibernating in bonfire piles, which often goes together with releases of fireworks. Ask your council not to release fireworks. If you do have a fireworks display, keep them away from flammables like trees (also not near farms or stables). Let everyone know beforehand, so pet parents can prepare.
Many birds die of fright, and sometimes crash to the ground in their thousands, during firework displays. They cause a huge amount of pollution too, including acid rain.