The West Midlands municipal county is made up three major cities. Birmingham is home to the Balti curry and Spaghetti Junction (a nightmare road network built in the 60s, and example of bad road planning). Next door is Wolverhampton, home to the friendliest people on earth (not far from the rural peace of Shropshire) and Coventry has a sad history of heavy bombing during the blitz of the Second World War.
Home to the Friendliest People in England?
Of course many people are friendly everywhere, but sometimes there is a notion that say in London, people would step over you if you were dead. There’s no doubt that Brummies and people from Wolverhampton are often the ones who would help you out the most. You’ll know if you’ve ever been!
Some of England’s ‘Best Places to Live’
Despite its urban image, many areas in the East Midlands are deemed some of the nicest places to live in England. Including Sutton Coldfield (just 8 miles from Birmingham) and Solihull (historic architecture, many public parks and the base of Jaguar cars.
Birthplace of the Balti Curry!
Birmingham is the birthplace of this popular curry, named after the thin wok-style dish/bowl it’s served in, rather than the ingredients. Learn how to make this easy Balti curry (The Happy Pear).
Before cooking, read up on food safety for people and pets.