the responsible traveller

The Responsible Traveller is a book to help you navigate travel, while being kind to the planet, ecosystems, wildlife and people. And also respecting local cultures. Learn about the environmental and social effects of tourism and gain a deeper understanding of cultural sensitivity. Learn simple tips and lifestyle changes to make a difference to reduce your impact.

Report animal abuse abroad to local tour operators, the police and submit reports to Born Free Red Flag.

  1. Leave only memories and footprints
  2. Never hire working or entertainment animals
  3. Find eco ways to get around
  4. Avoid animal-based foods
  5. Don’t buy dodgy souvenirs
  6. Use biodegradable zero-waste products
  7. Donate to local animal shelters

The Green Edit (Travel) is a super little guide on how to lessen our impact on the world, without giving up things we love. If you wish to still travel, this is the book for you. It doesn’t mean never taking another flight or spending holidays camping in your back garden. The book is a short expert guide that takes you through every aspect of planning your trip, from booking to boarding. And arms you with all you need for a lower-impact getaway. From knowing which plane to take (yes, some are greener than others) or how to avoid the mini-toiletries trap, save the planet yet still live life to the full.

what’s wrong with overtourism?

Overtourism is now an issue, with certain destinations being visited by way too many people. This in turn puts pressure on the planet (climate change from fossil fuels say for families being encouraged to visit Florida’s Disneyworld for a bucket list), or Venice canals polluted from too many tourists, to coral reefs endangered from cruise ships and whale-watching trips en-masse. Of course, animals suffer too for both food and ‘entertainment’.

What the pandemic taught is that staying close to home can be nice, and some of the best holidays you can have are often right on your doorstep. Who hasn’t got wonderful memories of slurping a knickerbocker glory at a seaside cafe, and then taking a family walk in the rain along a pier? Modern holidays these days are more about traffic jams, over-priced car parks, long waits at airports, chain-store hotels (and some western tour operators still promote bullfights etc to their customers).

A recent report found that many of our own cities and holiday resorts are now suffering seriously from overcrowding. Beautiful Bath (an ancient city known for Roman baths and Jane Austen) is now overrun with tourists, as is the Lake District (road gridlock and locals being priced out of buying homes) and Newquay (rich Londoners again pricing locals out of the market, as they visit second homes to surf).

a handbook for vegan travellers

the vegan travel handbook

The Vegan Travel Handbook is a beautiful Lonely Planet guide, to help you discover, plan and book vegan-friendly adventures around the globe. Get tips on the best restaurants, accommodation and cities, and learn how to stay healthy on the road and find vegan festivals and food trucks. From cooking classes in India to wildlife-watching tours in New Zealand, this book shows you how to explore the world on plants!

  1. Explore the wilds of Patagonia (Argentina)
  2. Meditate in the moutains of Taiwan
  3. Melt away stress in a Japanese onsen
  4. Wild camp by a lake in Scandinavia
  5. Go wine tasting in northern Italy
  6. Eat your way around Delhi, Agra & Jaipur
  7. Dance and dine in Seville
  8. Monitor jaguars in the Amazon rainforest
  9. Savour local produce in a New Zealand market
  10. Spot the ‘big five’ on safari in South Africa
  11. Explore the Cardamom mountains in Cambodia
  12. Shake up a rum cocktail in the Cayman Islands
  13. Explore the east coast of Australai
  14. Do a DIY doughnut tour of the US west coast

vegan travel websites

  1. The Vegan Stay generates donations to animal sanctuaries
  2. Vegvisits is the plant-based version of airbnb
  3. The Nomadic Vegan is one of several good blogs

how Venice is preventing overtourism

Venice Amber Davenport

Amber Davenport

Although Venice is a beautiful and unique city, it does have big problems with overtourism (like Barcelona in Spain, which is now making limits on numbers of tourists to protect local nature and people). Venice does have its own urban area where most people live, but the canals are littered with trash and pollution, and this has led to interesting ideas brought into practice by the city.

During the pandemic, people in Italy were shocked to see that the normally murky waters of Venice canals became so clear that you could for the first time in years, see fish swimming underneath. Of course everything went back to normal when normal tourism resumed. But recently the tourism boards have put limits on numbers of tourists arriving at one time, have installed bans on loud-speakers and also banned large ships from entering the harbour (after a crash a few years before). The city is even intending to add a day-tripper ‘tourist tax’ to help pay for all the litter clean-ups, after visitors go home.

The main areas suffering with over-tourism in England are the Lake District and the city of Bath (two of our most naturally beautiful areas that end up swarmed with litter at the end of the holiday season). Residents in the nearby Cotswolds are not happy about the huge influx of coaches in the main towns, during summer. Of course London has some over-tourism, as does Stratford-upon-Avon (the second most popular tourist destination after London, due to its history and association with William Shakespeare – this town is particularly popular with Americans).

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