dr vegan hair saviour

Dr Vegan’s Hair Saviour supplement is sold with a metal tin on first order, then buy refills in sustainable pouches. Formulated by expert nutritionists, this is packed with nutrients to help people with thinning, dull, dry and brittle hair. Most people notice positive results within a month or so. If you don’t like swallowing capsules, you can add the contents to your morning smoothie or yoghurt.

Before taking supplements, check with GP if pregnant/nursing or you have medical conditions or are taking medication. Keep supplements away from young children & pets.

Within 4 weeks, expect hair loss (won’t work for male pattern baldness or alopecia) to reduce by around a third. After 6 weeks, you should expect hair loss to be reduced by around 95% and notice new hair growth. Maximum results are after about 3 months, and you’ll also find this supplement to benefit hair and nails.

dr vegan hair saviour

This supplement contains 14 botanics, minerals and vitamins including amino acids and biotin, all to help support healthy hair growth. MSM is a natural source of sulphur crucial for the production of keratin and collagen (both needed for strong hair). Biotin is known to help thinning and brittle hair.

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