vegan blueberry cream pie

Vegan Blueberry Cream Pie (Ela Vegan) is a rich and creamy dessert made with a nut-based oat crust and filled with tofu-creamy filling, and topped with blueberry compote. Look in stores for Tofoo (made in Yorkshire!)

Blueberries are choking hazards for babies and swallowing difficulties. Avoid for kidney disorders (due to oxalic acid) and genetic disorder glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency (also avoid after recent surgery, as fruits may affect blood sugar). Keep these recipes away from pets due to fruit pips/seeds. Read more on keeping people & pets safe in the kitchen

Blueberries are nature’s little powerhouses, rich in antioxidants. Low in calories but high in vitamin C, these contain the naturally blue phytochemical anthocyanin. Popular in North America, they also grow in England. Blueberries are particularly associated with helping to lower blood pressure and reduce aged-related memory loss.

how to buy, store & prepare blueberries

Only wash blueberries just before you eat them, as the silvery ‘bloom’ is what protects the fruits. Until them, store in the fridge where they will keep for a few days. They are in season from late June to early September.

Pack’d organic blueberries are certified by Soil Association and you can recycle the packaging with paper. Produced locally, you can freeze them on purchase to defrost for snacking or recipes.

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