linen tote bags

These pretty linen reusable tote bags are ideal for your trip to the farmers’ market. Choose from various colours and patterns, or order a surprise! This bag is made from European linen, and uses green energy to make bags from leftover fabric. Linen is from the flax plant, so is a more local fabric than cotton, which only grows thousands of miles away. And the natural fabric safely launders in the machine, without leaching microplastics into the sea.

Store all bags away from children and pets.  If you do launder bags made with synthetic fibres (like recycled plastic), use a microplastics catcher.

Single-use plastic bags are not yet banned in England, though they are in many countries (including Bangladesh to prevent floods). They often get snagged in trees or dumped in rivers, where they choke wildlife or end up in the sea. So why not invest in a few good bags, and keep them in your bag or glovebox?

create a plastic-bag-free town or village

Although governments are slowly banning plastic bags, it’s not happening fast enough. Do what Rebecca did in her small Devon town of Modbury, and turn your entire town lastic-bag-free. A BBC wildlife camerawoman, she saw albatross chicks dying in front her while filming abroad, due to plastic pellet ingestion. On return, she plied the locals with wine in a local art gallery and showed everyone her film. Within 4 weeks, the whole town was the first in Europe to go plastic-bag free.

Everyone received a free reusable cloth bag through the post, delis used biodegradable pots, there was an amnesty of plastic bags that were sent off to turn into park benches, and even the local supermarket got involved. Rebecca said the campaign worked due to her being local and not having  outsiders (like councils) to slow her down, though they did support the measure. Read how she did it in her little manual: Ban the Plastic Bag.

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