vegan coffee walnut cake

Vegan Coffee Walnut Cake (The Veg Space) is very easy to make (no food mixer required). The light nutty sponge is filled with a homemade dairy-free coffee buttercream.This cake has been around for at least a century. Food writer Nigel Slater says this would be his send-off meal! We like Sanctuary Coffee as it uses profits to help animal sanctuaries.

Avoid caffeine for pregnancy/nursing and nuts for young children. Keep recipes from pets due to unsafe ingredients like coffee and nutmeg. Read more on food safety for people & pets.

Choose Fair Trade coffee that is shade-grown (this means it grows organically and helps to preserve rainforests, songbirds and the farmers also get added income, as they can produce other crops in the shade at the same time, to sell at market.

Walnuts are not just for walnut whips. These are very good for your brain (shaped like a brain too) and one of the so-called omega 3 fatty acids, and packed with calcium and protein. Some zero waste shops sell them loose, so look around (only buy what you need, as they go rancid quickly).

vegan coffee walnut cake

This coffee walnut cake (School Night Vegan) is from a cooking genius, made with a coffee soak, coffee buttercream and candied walnuts.

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