reclaimed wood cutlery set

Finally, we now have a law that’s banned the use of single-use plastic cutlery. Not only does plastic waste cause unsightly litter (and is also wasteful and expensive), but when it falls down storm drains, serrated fork prongs and knife edges harm marine creatures.

This reclaimed wood cutlery set (code JUNGLECUTLERY30 for 30% discount) is ideal for camping, picnics, festivals and travel. The set is also dishwasher-safe and composts at end of life.

France banned single-use plastic cutlery years ago, we were very slow to catch up. The ban also applies (with medical exemptions) to plastic straws. But worldwide, plastic cutlery is still used extensively.

A Beautiful Bamboo Cutlery Set

bamboo cutlery set

This reusable bamboo cutlery set (code JUNGLECUTLERY30 for 30% discount) is sold in an array of pretty colours, packed in a hessian bag, when eating on the go. The set is created by a company that works with Vietnamese farmers and artisans, using sustainable alternatives to plastic, which is devastating the planet.

The set is handmade from a single piece of organic bamboo, and includes a water-resistant serrated knife, fork and spoon plus a bamboo straw (with coconut cleaning brush).

Where to Recycle Plastic Cutlery

Communities or offices can together purchase a one-off Terracycle Party Supplies Recycling Box. Everyone deposits plastic cutlery and other items (sweet wrappers, balloons, plastic straws, plastic flowers/ribbons/bows, tinsel, party hats and costume masks) into a community box.

It’s then all sent off to get recycled into other items. It’s a good way of getting litter out of your local area once and for all, hopefully to never return.

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