Staffordshire bull terrier James Bartholomew

James Bartholomew

Pet food is a minefield, and not one size fits all. It’s best to only switch pets slowly onto new foods (it can take months rather than weeks, and sometimes older dogs with sensitive tummies are best on sticking with what they are used to). Having said that, many pet food brands are full of rubbish, and it may sometimes be good to switch.

However, don’t listen to companies (or vets with vested interests). Do your homework and get proper advice, before choosing a new pet food. Read this book to keep your dog safe for info on safe feeding bowls (including water) and first aid, toxic foods to avoid and how to prevent bloat. Avoid feeding cooked bones (which can choke), raw eggs and fish (especially salmon which contains a parasite that can be fatal).

For companion animals, keep most ‘human foods’ away from them. Unsafe foods near pets include:

  1. Chocolate, caffeine & alcohol
  2. Alliums (garlic, onion, shallots, leeks, chives)
  3. All citrus fruits & dried fruits
  4. Mushrooms & avocado
  5. Fruit pips & seeds (natural cyanide)
  6. Faux meats (inc. jackfruit)
  7. Raw bread dough (expands in the stomach)
  8. Corn-on-the-cob (choking hazard)
  9. Spices (esp. nutmeg & mac)
  10. Most nuts (esp. macadamia) & seeds
  11. Xylitol (a sweetener, if used)

If growing food, learn how to make gardens safe for pets (includes indoor plants to avoid). Also avoid facing indoor foliage to gardens, to help stop birds flying into windows

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