autumn storm Jo Grundy

Jo Grundy

Ecological writer Satish Kumar once wrote that ‘unless you know Nature, you cannot love her’. Likewise, if we wish to protect England’s green and pleasant land, it’s important to get to know why. People who drop fast food litter, pollute our seas with oil and hunt our precious wildlife, obviously were never taught all about why our land is so beautiful and precious.

Hertfordshire is ‘Miss Marple’ country (even though it was not filmed here). This is all tiny villages with lovely ponds and churches, along with a few towns in an affluent area that’s popular with commuters. Just 20 minutes from London too.

the main town (named after a saint)

St Albans is an historic town with a stunning 11th century cathedral, which once was the third largest city in England, during Roman times. The town has sa medieval clock (dating to 1405) and is home to the one of our oldest schools (St Albans, where Professor Stephen Hawking attended). St Alban was a Christian martyre in the early 4th century, patron saint of converts and torture victims.

the home of England’s only 2 garden cities

Letchwork and Welwyn Garden City are England’s two ‘garden cities’ with beautiful parks, trees and floral displays. The latter had its own Roman Baths (just the remains, as they are not heated anymore).  Garden citites emerged as a reaction against the slums where many people lived in the 19th century. Ebenezer Howard was a London shorthand reporter, who is to thank, influenced by two similar villages (Port Sunlight in The Wirral). And Bourneville (famously created by Quaker George Cadbury for his workers). Read why our towns and cities need more public parks.

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