this phenomenal life

If we want the next generation to protect the natural world, it’s important to teach them about the marvels of it. Children who grow up with respect for both nature and wildlife, will not end up paving over wetlands or shooting pheasants, in order to have a fun life. Here are some really inspirational books to help do just that – using fun illustrations to educate and entertain at the same time!

This Phenomenal Life is one of our favourite books! It’s packed with science facts on how the world works, yet colourful and entertaining and funny at the same time. This books the story of the wondrous ways that humans are at one with our surrounding world. From the vast galaxies above to the miniature microbes within, humans are organically connected to nature. Every single atom of our body is made of remnants of stars, and massive explosions in the galaxy. And we share the same biochemical basis of life with all living beings (from a single-celled amoeba to a giant blue whale).

In this book, you’ll learn how we are related to mushrooms, and share the way that birds communicate. Beautiful art will inspire you to look at the world in a whole new way.

I have a new favourite book in the universe. It explodes with the wonders of creation, and the beauty of being alive. Rainn Wilson

Covering everything from the Big Bang to plant neurotransmitters, this book is a sweet-spirited reminder that all humans are more alike than different, and the entire cosmos is connected. Publishers Weekly 

crazy for birds

We also love Misha’s other book Crazy for Birds which again makes learning about our feathered friends incredibly fun. From the blue-footed booby (who shows his feet to female birds – whoever has the brightest blue feet gets the girl!) To showing how chickens are related to dinosaurs. Learning about birds has never been so interesting! Misha Maynerick Blaise is a writer and artist, who runs a green building company with her husband in Texas, USA.

a botany book by a professor of plants!

plants to the rescue

Plants to the Rescue! is a fabulous illustrated book for future botanists, looking at how plants, trees and fungi are being used to save the planet and reverse climate change. We all know that plants are pretty cool and that trees give us oxygen and food. But it turns out plants can do a whole lot more! Get ready to drop your jaw on the floor when you learn of:

  1. Spinach that can detect landmines and send emails
  2. Fig trees used to create living bridges
  3. Glow-in-the-dark plants that could light your home
  4. Prickly cactus that makes eco-friendly bags
  5. Fungi that likes to feed on oil spills

Dr Vikram Baliga is a horticulture lecturer in Texas (USA), and host of the podcast Planthropology, where he interviews amazing people from the world of botany. The illustrations are by artist Brian Lambert, who lives in northwest USA.

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