how to grow plants for free

How to Grow Plants for Free shows how to increase your plant stock by propogating them yourself. This book demystifies the art of taking cuttings and offers other ways to multiply your garden plants.

Learn how to make gardens safe for pets (many seeds including all bulbs like lupins are toxic to pets). Avoid facing indoor foliage to gardens, to help stop birds flying into windows.

Learn the botanical science of propogation and then find practical chapters and plant profiles for the plants suited to each method. You’ll learn how to divide plants, save seeds, take cuttings and increase your collection of houseplants. the final chapters show how to grow new plants from kitchen scraps!

where to buy better garden seeds

Many seeds sold are F1 hybrid variety, so you can’t replant or save them, to make you buy new packs next year. Buy real organic seeds from The Real Seed Company or consider a seed swap like Brighton’s Seedy Sunday.

Arthouse Unlimited offers packs of seeds for beetroot, peas, carrots and sweet pepper. The difference is that these packs are beautifully illustrated by artists with complex neuro-diverse and physical support needs, providing them with jobs and income, with sales helping this wonderful nonprofit.

The Seed Farmer is a comprehensive manual to save seed and money (and increase profits) for market gardens or small-scale farmers. Learn how to develop your own heirloom seeds adapted to your location and climate, and learn about cross-pollination, crop-timing and seed genetics to choose the right types for your garden. Includes detailed profiles plus tips on harvesting vegetable and flower crops, plus the economics of seed production and integrating organic seed production into your business.

Stocks & Green is a good place to buy quality seeds. Sold by a small Essex company, find seeds to grow everything from tomatoes to pumpkins, dwarf green beans to salads. Along with Nutscene raffia to stake your beans!

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