vegan roast potatoes

You don’t need goose fat to make good roast spuds (use rapeseed oil, which also supports local farmers). Try these roasties from Welsh chef Gaz Oakley.

Don’t feed leftover roast potatoes to pets, due to choking hazards and salt (read up on food safety for people & pets (many ‘human foods’ are unsafe near animal friends). For the same reasons, don’t give leftover roasties to garden birds or wildlife (fat could also smear on feathers, affecting waterproofing & insulation).

Do you know your spuds? Maris Piper can be used for anything (chips, baked, boiled, mashed or roast). Russett are also good for chips, as are King Edwards (also good for roasting and baking). Waxy red-skinned Desiree potatoes make good mash, and Jersey Royals are  good boiled with herbs and vegan butter.

vegan roast potatoes

Classic Roast Potatoes (So Vegan) use Maris Piper or Yukon Gold, for a fluffy texture. Let them cool before adding to hot oil, to remove moisture (keeps them crispy).

vegan roast potatoes

Roast Potatoes with Garlic & Rosemary (The Veg Space) are easy to make. You can prepare them ahead of time, or even freeze them.

roasted garlic thyme potatoes with green beans

These roasted garlic thyme potatoes with green beans (Broke Bank Vegan) are nice for roast dinners. Use Yukon Gold, Russet, fingerling or new potatoes. Serve with vegan Parmesan (conventional Parmesan is not even vegetarian).

This recipe only uses a little oil, which likely will be absorbed by the potatoes. But if you use a lot of oil (that’s leftover in the pan), don’t pour it down the sink, as this clogs sinks and drains and leads to ‘fatbergs’ (one in London was affectionately called ‘Fatty McFatberg’ but took weeks to break down and recycle). If you just have a little leftover oil, just wrap and bin it. For larger amounts, invest in a 3-litre cooking oil recycling container (with a removable filter to catch solids) that has a wide opening for easy filling and a drip-catch system to quickly empty at your nearest cooking oil recycling bank.

pan-roasted potatoes (from Germany)

These pan-roasted potatoes from Germany (Ela Vegan) is a nice recipe to use up leftover potatoes, as a change from standard roasties. This food blogger is German and replicates a traditional recipe, which is actually quite similar to Greek potatoes, where you chop them up and fry them in oil. In this cas they are steamed after gentle frying, then seasoned and served with chopped herbs.

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