greenhouse Holly Astle

Holly Astle

Greenhouses and polytunnels are popular across England, as they obviously offer a way to grow some crops when it’s raining or windy, and extend the growing season and protect from frost.  They also help protect crops from creatures that may decide to get there, before you do!

Don’t site greenhouses (or see-through polytunnels) near where inside plants can be seen by birds (nor surrounded by trees and vegetation). Learn more on how to help stop birds flying into windows (good inventions exist like bird-tape and screens.

Greenhouses also give gardeners a way to eat foods that are not native to England, but without importing them abroad. Thus saving on food miles. For cold weather, make use of a thermometer and soil-warming cable (and use blinds, which also helps prevent bird strike).

You only need a small space for a greenhouse or polytunnel to grow hardy winter cropss (like onions and cabbage) or summer crops like tomatoes and peppers. any plants are started off in greenhouses, then planted out once the frost has passed.

Polytunnels are Way More Affordable

Polytunnels can be bought for around £100 (also in opaque green which are safer to prevent bird strike), compared to a small greenhouse, which can set you back £1000.

Choose polytunnels with skirting to protect against the elements, secure doors and roll-up alternative doors for wheelbarrows. Biodegradable paper mulch is designed especially for polytunnels and hoophouses.

Read How to Grow Food in Your Polytunnel. This classic guide shows how to harvest fresh crops all year round (including England’s Hungry Gap when not much grows – now you can enjoy new potatoes, cabbage, peas and beetroot). You’ll also learn how to reap:

  • Sweet potatoes and celery in November
  • Radish, baby carrots and celeriac in February
  • Salad leaves all through winter

The book includes a detailed crop-by-crop guide to the growing year, chapters on growing for each season, plus a sowing/harvesting calendar to help with planning your limitless free food!

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