let's plant and grow together

Let’s Plant & Grow Together is a guide to create a thriving community garden in any local outdoor space. Grouped by season, the book focuses on a growing movement that is taking roots in towns and cities around the world, where groups of like-minded people transform neglected plots of land into green flourishing spaces, for everyone to enjoy.

If you garden alongside animal friends, learn how to make your garden safe for pets (and use humane methods to deter slugs & snails). Also learn how to create a wildlife-friendly garden (never face indoor foliage to face gardens, to help stop birds flying into windows).

In this book, the author shares his expertise to make urban spaces bloom. He looks at the history of community gardening and includes planning advice, etiquette tips and practical considerations including:

  1. Soil fertility
  2. Fundraising
  3. Business plans
  4. Guerrilla gardening
  5. Access rights
  6. Marketing
  7. Leases

The book also includes a community-minded directory of top vegetables, flowers, fruits and herbs to plant, along with key tips on growing in containers to maximise space. With clear instructions for all ages and backgrounds, your collective will learn to grow and harvest:

  1. Asparagus
  2. Beetroot
  3. Berries
  4. Figs
  5. Gooseberries
  6. Kale
  7. Melons
  8. Oregano
  9. Pears

An ideal read for families, neighbours and allotment co-owners, find steps to promote harmony, grow successfully and make space for everyone.

about the author

Ben Raskin is head of horticulture at Soil Association and runs courses on organic growing including for community orchard. He began working in horticulture after working on an organic vineyard in northern Italy, and worked for a while as assistant head gardener at Garden Organic.

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