dr vegan heartpro

Don’t listen to the big animal-testing charities on how to look after your heart. The evidence is clear from the experts, summed up in six words by American food campaigner Michael Pollan: Eat foods. Mostly plants. Eat less. As long as you eat natural plant-based foods and exercise gently and regularly, the rest will mostly take care of itself, unless you have a genetic condition.

Dr Vegan HeartPro is a supplement sold in a metal tin, then just buy refills in sustainable pouches after that. Formulated by expert nutritionists, this uses an advanced formula of plant sterols, probiotics, red yeast rice extract, chromium and nutrients for a healthy heart, with some people finding it helps to bring ‘bad cholesterol’ back to normal levels (talk with your GP before replacing statins).

Before taking supplements, check with GP if pregnant/nursing or you have medical conditions or are taking medication. Keep supplements away from young children & pets.

This supplement contains probiotics that are sensitive to heat, so take with a cold drink and at least 20 minutes before/after a hot drink. Developed by cardiovascular experts, it contains 10 clinically-studied ingredients to maintain healthy cholesterol levels. This supplement increases your daily intake of plant sterols, shown to reduce concentrations of LDL (low-density lipoprotein) and TC (total serum cholesterol) which along with a healthy diet and exercise, can help reduce the risk of heart disease. Most users find cholesterol lowers by around 6 to 12% within 3 to 6 weeks.

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