You of course could refuse to get sucked into the ‘wedding business’ and not get married! But if you do, there are ways to be a peaceful troublemaker, instead of making big companies richer on the back of your love!
If pets are nearby, many flowers (including lilies) are toxic to pets, as are wildflower plantable cards/favours (and trees like yew/oak are toxic to horses). Learn more on toxic plants to avoid near pets. For indoor displays, never face foliage to face gardens, to help stop birds flying into windows.
Keep your wedding small and simple. This could be a local church or community club, it doesn’t have to be hiring a big church with a big buffet. Some people even get married in unusual places. We love USA vegans who get married at farm sanctuaries, so animal friends get donations at the same time!
Curb your guestlist. A wedding should be a simple expression of mutual love, not ‘keeping other people’ happy. It’s not for extended relatives or friends/colleagues you don’t really like. Just keep to a few relatives and friends, leave it at that. If others are annoyed, they were never really friends.
Never release balloons or fire lanterns, both cause huge issues with wildlfie and marine creatures. Likewise, don’t release anything butterflies, doves, kites – they all harm birds and wildlife.
Avoid plantable invites to homes with pets. These wedding invites are printed on luxury recycled card, no need for embedded seeds (a nice idea, but many contain toxic wildflowers if planted in homes with pets.