London phone box Simply Katy Prints

Simply Katy Prints

Nearly all of us have a telephone of some kind. If you don’t really use your landline much, it may be worth considering getting rid of it, though some people prefer to have the security of a landline too. Or at least switch to a more sustainable smartphone.

If you can’t read or hold a phone book (due to impairment or disability), BT offers free 195 directory enquiries, and registered customers also don’t pay for 1471 or 1571 (call return) fee (call for an application form).

ecotalk is a mobile operator network, where you can switch (keeping your number) and profits are used to buy up land for rewilding projects across England. Run on EE, there are simple affordable tariffs and the company is also run on green energy.

Honest Mobile rewards loyalty, with bills reducing until they are 30% of your bill. You are also told if you make a chargeable call, so you don’t get a nasty surprise on your bill. The company also plants trees on your behalf and you can view how much carbon you’ve saved on your phone. You can keep your current number.

phones helping local communities 

GoodCall is a mobile network for charities and non-profits. This social enterprise aims to reduce the digital inequality and offer mobile phones and line rental to save non-profits an average of 40%.

Recycling for Good Causes lets you donate unwanted mobile phones (don’t bin them, they leak toxins) to any small local cause. Just pop in an A5 envelope (with unwanted jewellery, coins, stamps) and write the name of your chosen cause on the downloadable label. Order a free sack for large collections, free when it meets required weight.

BT’s Adopt a Kiosk lets communities adopt a disused phone box for just £1 which can then be used to offer something of value – for a place to store a defibrillator to a food bank or book exchange. Just email to say which kiosk you would like to adopt and they’ll review the request. If accepted, they will disconnect the phone and leave you in charge!

music break: call me

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